Scarlet runner beans

Scarlet runner beans
Sacrlet runners -- I love these beans!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ahhhh ... I'm not the only one!

"Not-so-simple" simple lives, indeed ... although we are all trying! So, in tribute to Amazing Maniacal Annete, blog-hop-host extraordinaire, here is my snapshot (Sorry no pics today, too busy!)

5:30 -- Get up, stretch, yoga, coffee, shower ...
6:00 --Wake sleepy son by letting dog jump on bed. Breakfast: power shake with foraged blackberries, our neighbor's hand-pressed apple cider, and PCC yogurt, banana, flax oil, protein pwdr. Help son prep for science test.
7:15 -- Out the door to take son to school.
7:30 -- Home and a bit of blogging; work on paper due for mid-term; unload produce from last night's pick-up (biggets Blue Hubbard you ever saw); mow back half of lawn Oy Vey! Can't wait to plant out some more fruit trees in Spring so I won't have so dang much lawn to mow.
8:30 -- Leave for work. Yes, I got a new contract -- which is good -- and am still in school full-time -- which makes it interesting.
4:30 -- Head home, pick up son from neighbor's, clear out half of strawberry bed, pick day's Scarlet runner beans--mine are really late in ripening, and some are still flowering! Also some of the strawberries are flowering again -- strange! Harvest some collard and kale; and some funky little squash that I think are ripe because the vine is withering on one end (but putting out blossoms on the other end!!) Clip some chives to have on the table for din-din.
6:00 -- Dinner--home-grown greens cooked with lemons from my cousin's tree, rice (not home grown!), PCC pork and home-grown beans in BBQ sauce (not home made!) Well, you do what you can.
7:00 -- Help son with homework, possibly this involves a bit of card-playing. What! You didn't know playing cards is good for concentration!
8:00 -- Put son to bed, clean kitchen, work on book chapter that needs some spiffing up. Check email. Yawn!
9:00 -- Stretch, yoga,
10:00 -- Head for bed, do some reading for class tomorrow ... 

and so it goes!

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